Resolving Disputes Between California Owners, Partners And Shareholders
A disagreement among the owners of a closely held company can consume valuable time and management resources. In some cases, it can even threaten the survival of the company itself. Such disagreements rarely resolve themselves, and they often grow more bitter over time.
If you are a shareholder of a company and you have a serious disagreement with other owners or partners, obtain legal advice promptly. The Rancho Cucamonga law firm of Brown & Brown offers free initial consultations. Contact us for an in-depth consultation about your dispute, and let us explain your options.
Handling Breach Of Contract Claims Throughout The Inland Empire
Our lawyers at our business litigation law firm have extensive experience resolving disputes among shareholders and between partners. For more than 30 years, the firm has represented plaintiffs and defendants in complex business disputes, obtaining results for clients in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
When advising and representing you, attorney Lee Brown will thoroughly review the issues in your case. While he is a skilled trial lawyer, Mr. Brown has successfully resolved owner disputes through alternative means, including negotiation and mediation. We will help you explore and consider all of your options, including the possibility of a buyout.
Using Proactive Measures To Facilitate Smooth Working Relationships
A well-crafted shareholder’s agreement can head off many disputes before they arise. A shareholder’s agreement is particularly useful for companies with owners who actively participate in management decisions, as well as for companies that have one or more major shareholders who participate from the sidelines. Our attorneys can draft a shareholder agreement designed to foster smooth working relationships among owners, either during the business formation stage or at a later point.
Contact An Rancho Cucamonga Shareholder Dispute Lawyer Today
For a free initial consultation with Brown & Brown, contact the firm online or call us at 1-800-349-8418. Located in Rancho Cucamonga, California, we represent clients throughout the Los Angeles metro area.
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